What Diet is Best For Me?
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Tuesday, January 22, 2019
The month of January is a popular time for people to start new diets and exercise trends. We are commonly asked, “What diet is best for me?” Depending on what you read or who you ask, you will probably get a different answer to that question. Atkins? Keto? Raw food? Juice cleanse? How do you know what is best?
It can be very confusing, but the truth is, diets don’t work for the majority of people.
Your body is unique, and you may or may not need to eat specific foods based on your needs or health concerns. For example, not everyone needs to eliminate gluten or meat from their diets. For some, making those specific changes could make big improvements in their health. When a diet gives you a limited variety of foods you can eat, you need to ask yourself if that is the best thing for your body.
Many fad diets make grand promises, from weight loss and increased muscle mass, to glowing skin and anti-aging. While many of these stories may be true, these diets are simply not sustainable. Most people can’t eliminate entire food groups or only drink juice the rest of their lives. Changes to your diet and lifestyle need to be sustainable for a lifetime to make a lasting impact.
Instead of making extreme changes by following a fad diet, start making small changes to your diet to incorporate real whole food, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
It’s no secret that there are major concerns with our food system. The processed food on the shelves at our grocery stores are full of toxic chemicals that can have dangerous impacts on your health for years to come. (We created a free e-book with a list of common toxic chemicals in your food. Click here to download!) There is a direct correlation between the food we eat and our health. The best way to eat healthily and avoid these chemicals and toxins is by eating a variety of clean whole foods. Here are some basic tips to help you get started.
Eat food that is picked NOT packaged.
Next time you are at the grocery store, before you put something in your cart, ask yourself, is this picked or in a package? Always try to opt for something that is picked from the earth. Odds are it’s much healthier for you and doesn’t contain dangerous chemicals and additives like processed food. Farmers markets are a great place to find locally picked foods as well.
Eat the rainbow.
Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is not only good for your waistline, but it can also help prevent disease. No single fruit or vegetable can provide you with all the nutrients you need, so make sure you are eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily to get the complete range of vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Eat high fiber foods.
It takes your body longer to digest high fiber foods, which in turn makes you feel fuller longer (and on fewer calories). Apples, bananas, and dark green vegetables are good sources of fiber. Organic popcorn is also a great snack that is high in fiber. (Make sure to avoid processed microwave popcorn. Instead, try air-popping popcorn with light butter or coconut oil.)
Reset your body.
If you are looking for a quick jumpstart to reset your body, digestive system, and weight loss, try following the principals in the Whole 30 diet. It encourages you to explore what foods groups are impacting your health and helps your body heal and recover. This reset diet focuses on high protein foods and vegetables to keep you full between meals. We encourage this as a 30-day reset program, not a long-term diet.
Plan your meals and snacks.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. Every week make a list of lunch, dinner, and healthy snack ideas. Make your grocery list based off of the meals and snacks you are preparing to have for the week, and nothing else. Try to eat and cook at home as much as possible. This will not only help you save money but avoid the problem of unhealthy snacking or eating out. After you go grocery shopping, make time to prep as much as possible. Wash and cut your fruits and vegetables. Put healthy snacks in easy grab and go containers. Make it as easy as possible to eat healthily.
Incorporate lean proteins.
Organic lean proteins are a great healthy option for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Make sure to incorporate a variety of lean proteins like fish, chicken, nuts, or quinoa into your diet. This will help you feel fuller longer and build muscle.
Listen to your body.
Food is fuel. Your body needs healthy clean foods to function at the highest level and fight off disease. Listen to the wisdom inside your body to learn what foods give you energy and make you feel your strongest. If you give your body the fuel it needs, you will have amazing results.
Don’t diet!
Instead of trying another fad diet, start by replacing fatty processed foods with healthy whole foods. You won’t feel deprived, which will help you sustain this healthy lifestyle for years to come.
The most important thing to remember is that you have the power to make changes that will have a big impact on your health for years to come. Following the simple steps above will help you decide what you want to put in your body - not a diet plan.
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