Eating The Rainbow: Special focus on yellow foods

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

We are coming into the season where more fresh and local produce will be available to us. Hooray! Nutrition experts suggest eating a rainbow of colors daily. Since we can all agree we love the sunshine today let’s focus on yellow foods. 

Pineapple, yellow peppers, corn, star fruit, and other yellow foods contain nutrients that promote good digestion and optimal brain function. High in alpha- and beta-carotenes, yellow foods have also been linked to increased immunity, a decreased risk of some cancers, and healthy eyes and skin. Grab these yellow foods on your next shopping trip:

Pineapple – Cholesterol and fat-free, pineapple is high in bromelain, an enzyme that helps regulate and neutralize body fluids and aids in digestion. Its high vitamin C content has also been linked to decrease in heart disease, cancer, cataracts, and stroke. (you can eat and juice the core! It’s deliciously sweet)

Yellow peppers – High in vitamin C and A, yellow peppers have been linked to increased immune system and healthy skin. Yellow peppers are also high in carotenoids, which help protect from heart disease.

Star fruit – Caramobla, or more commonly known as start fruit, is high in high in vitamin C and calcium. This fruit has been linked to increased immunity, bone health, and muscle contractions.



Other Yellow Foods

Try some of the other delicious yellow foods like yellow apples, yellow figs, grapefruit, golden kiwifruit, lemon, yellow pears, yellow watermelon, yellow beets, yellow tomatoes



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