Winter Immune Building for Your Gut with Fiber!

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Monday, November 2, 2020

I hope this inspires you to make your immune system and fiber routine more of an everyday priority.  It has made a tremendous difference in my energy level throughout the day!


As many of you already know, I work with patients dealing with fertility, but I also see many with AutoImmune illnesses, such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Diabetes,etc. Fiber from alkalized vegetables is critical and most often overlooked support option for managing AutoImmune and digestive conditions.


What will this recipe do for you?

  1. Reduce inflammation
  2. Improve microbiome (gut health) = long term health strategy.
  3. Reduce negative autoimmune attacks to your bones, organs, tissue, and glands


  1. Purchase 15-20 different ORGANIC veggie bunches.
  2. Wash veggies 
  3. Process them to a pulp in a food processor.
  4. Store in ¼ cup (= 4 tablespoons) servings for your daily smoothie.

I used 10+ veggies. I use what is the least acidic, organic veggies in season. 

Cost:  $30 for all above organic veggies for a 2-month supply of pulp.

Example: 1 Carrot, 1 parsnip, 1 bunch mint (omit is you do not like taste of mint), 1 bunch cilantro, 1 small fenugreek bulb, 1 bunch parsley, 1 bunch kale, 1 bok choy bulb, 1 large beet plus their greens, 1 fennel bulb (omit if you do not like taste of licorice), 1 small bunch radish with greens, 1 zucchini,1 kohlrabi, 1 turnip.

*After washing you do not need to peel off veggie skins (except kohlrabi)


Use what works best for your body. Do not ever use a veggie you are allergic to. I tend to use veggies I would not normally cook/eat. Therefore, I did not include spinach, broccoli or cauliflower because I eat those regularly.


Using a food processor break down the raw veggie into pulp. Depending on the strength of your food processor, you may need to process one veggie at a time. Stronger food processors can do multiple veggies at once. 

Transfer the combined mixture to a large bowl. Scoop ¼ cup or 4 heaping tablespoons into a freezer-safe glass jar or individual freezer bag. Flatten bags for easy storage.

The bags are easier to store than the bottles, but I've noticed it's easier to get the veggies out from bottles. I also have used a 2-cup glass freezer safe mason jar and filled that with 1 and ¾ cups of veggies and used that for the week. Taking out one mason jar from the freezer to use that week as it keeps fine in the fridge for 5 days.

If stored as individual servings, take out a bottle or bag from the freezer the night before using. Put it in the fridge to thaw.


Begin with 1 tablespoon of pulp per smoothie. Working your way up to 4 tablespoons of pulp per smoothie. This may take a week or a month to get up to 4 tablespoons.


Pro tips:

Drink with a straw. Place straw just behind the tip of the tongue where most of the taste buds are. Drink immediately.


Smoothie example:

1/2 cup organic coconut milk (optional)

1 cup filtered water

1 serving of a quality protein powder or collagen based

1-4 T of pulp mixture

1/2 cup blueberries - optional

1/2 tsp - 1 T MCT oil or fresh avocado (optional)

As always, build the smoothie to taste.

*I use a Vitamix on high for 15 seconds so there is no chunks in my smoothie


Not into smoothies? No problem. 

Use veggie pulp in scrambled eggs, soups, spiralized noodles, protein muffins or lasagna.


Not a smoothie but still want to drink?

Add 2 tablespoons of the veggie pulp daily in 4 ounces filtered water in the morning.


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